Blue Stream Academy is pleased to offer every carer throughout the UK free access to the RESTORE2mini eLearning course, created and developed alongside experts from the South West Academic Health Science Network (South West AHSN).
Originally developed and co-produced by the NHS West Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group, now part of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care System, and the Wessex Academic Health Science Network, RESTORE2mini has grown from nationally recognised deterioration methodologies such as the national early warning score (NEWS2), early recognition (Soft Signs) and structured communications (SBARD).
RESTORE2mini is designed to support care and nursing staff and help them recognise soft signs and escalate concerns of a deteriorating patient using SBARD.
Our RESTORE2mini eLearning course helps carers to improve communication between their own setting and other health and social care providers by presenting case studies and video sequences to ensure the correct usage of SBARD.
This eLearning course is available free of charge for every carer throughout the UK - whether caring for residents in a home, or in their own home.
To register for free access, please complete the form below: