Our Partners

Carefully selected strategic partners chosen for your benefit

We have teamed up with leading organisations in their field to offer our customers an unbeatable package. Keep an eye out for future announcements.

Blue Stream Academy
The FourteenFish Appraisal Toolkit is at the heart of everything we do. It’s designed to make the appraisal process as simple and hassle free for the doctor as possible, increasing engagement with the appraisal process and the quality of your data. We’ve built our entire system from the ground up to encourage doctors to think about appraisal throughout the year as opposed to the usual last minute rush. Doctors thank us for making their lives easier. Appraisers love our brilliantly designed summary and quick navigation.

Benefits to you

Appraisal Toolkit and mobile app
It’s designed to make the appraisal process as simple and hassle free for the doctor as possible, increasing engagement with the appraisal process and the quality of your data.
360° multi-source feedback - Patient surveys - Feedback for your organisation
GP Library
Over 50 CPD video courses created by FourteenFish covering common General Practice topics
Communities are online groups (public or private) that anyone can form on our website for discussing things, storing important documents etc. Think of them like a mix between an intranet and a social network like Facebook.
Blue Stream Academy
First Practice Management (FPM) is the UK's premier resource for GP practice managers. We help practice managers to get their practice compliant with regulation and to stay compliant. Our experts are focused on keeping members up to date with the latest legislation and providing support, guidance and time-saving resources that help drive practice efficiencies.

Benefits to you

Policy & Procedures Library
Over 600 template contracts, policies, letters, forms and much more.
HR Guidance
Employment advice and guidance for your practice needs.
Practice Website
My Surgery Website - the UK's number one website provider for GP surgeries.
Training Services
Primary care training courses and development programmes.
Recruitment Services
Primary care management recruitment specialists.
FPM Forum
Online topics discussion with our Practice Manager Community Boards.
Blue Stream Academy
The LMC Buying Groups Federation was set up to help healthcare providers save money on the products and services they regularly buy.

Benefits to you

Discounted Rate
As part of the recommended LMC buying group list we are pleased to offer members a discounted rate.

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