7/28/2023 10:40:26 AM

Shared Decision Making | CPD eLearning for Healthcare

Blue Stream Academy

Shared Decision Making eLearning Module - Out Now!

Blue Stream Academy is pleased to announce the release of our new Shared Decision Making module, which is now live on the GP, Nursing & Care, Hospice, Urgent & Tailored Care and Aesthetics eLearning suites.
Shared decision making is a collaborative process in which a health and care professional supports an individual to reach a decision about their care or treatment. In modern health and social care, people want and expect to play an integral role in their own care, and more specifically, the decision making process.
Shared decision making goes beyond informed consent and is a key component of person-centred and personalised care. Given the extent of uncertainty about some medical treatments and the presence of side effects, there are often multiple possible courses of action. Shared decision making provides the individual the same control over their health and wellbeing that they expect in all other facets of life.
Why is shared decision making important?
Shared decision making is a concept and practice designed to offer a greater balance of control between a health and care professional and the individual receiving care or treatment. The individual receiving this care or treatment is an expert about themselves, providing their values, expectations, and attitude to risk to the process. The health and care professional reinforces this with clinical validation, based on a wealth of knowledge and experience, while providing diagnosis and outcome probabilities.
What are the benefits of shared decision making?
  • Positive effects on care quality outcomes
  • Greater comfort with decisions
  • Better treatment and lifestyle change adherence
  • Improvements in individuals’ knowledge and understanding.
What does shared decision making involve?
In modern health and social care, people want and expect to play an integral role in their own care and, more specifically, the decision making process. Shared decision making goes beyond informed consent and is a key component of person-centred and personalised care.
What does the eLearning module cover?
This eLearning module contains an overview and evaluation of shared decision making, considerations for health and care professionals, the process of shared decision making, and shared decision making in a digital world.
Speak to a member of the team at info@bluestreamacademy.com or on 01773 822549 to request a 30-day free trial of Blue Stream Academy and try two modules, free of charge.*
*Terms and Conditions Apply.

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