4/19/2024 1:37:34 PM
New Dental CPD eLearning | Online Training for Dental Teams
Blue Stream Academy is pleased to announce not one, but eight new eLearning modules, now live on the Dental eLearning and Management platform .
What New Dental eLearning Modules Are Available?
Bullying and Harassment
Dental staff need to understand how to recognise, address and prevent bullying and harassment, fostering a healthier and more inclusive work environment.
It is important for staff to understand how they may encounter hazardous substances, how they can affect them in the workplace, how to identify them, the different hazard symbols and any relevant legislation.
Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse is a major safeguarding issue and needs to be at the top of everyone’s agenda. Dental staff should be trained to respond to a disclosure of domestic violence or abuse sensitively and in a way that ensures people’s safety.
Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
It is important for dental staff to understand how to improve their workstation layout and methods of work by ensuring compliance with standard regulations.
Electrical Safety
Electrical safety is important in the workplace; dental staff must understand what the hazards are and how to reduce the risk.
First Aid
This module covers different accidents and incidents and provides information on how they should be treated. It also covers what items should be in a first aid box and advises the user of the information needed should 999 be called.
Hand Hygiene
Hand hygiene is important in dentistry. This module shows why there may be a lack of hand hygiene, how to wash hands correctly and how to maintain good skin care.
Waste Management
Dental practices should have good waste management procedures. This module includes the definitions of waste, handling and disposal of waste, spillages and accidents involving waste.
Existing Users - How Can My Staff Access These Modules?
System Administrators can add the modules to any user profiles by accessing 'Management > Staff > Manage Profiles' on the Blue Stream Academy Management Dashboard.
Not a Blue Stream Academy User?
What’s available on the Dental eLearning platform?
Blue Stream Academy’s Dental eLearning platform hosts over 40 CPD-certified eLearning modules, development alongside leading dental professionals exclusively for Blue Stream Academy users.
Each dental eLearning module has been meticulously reviewed by Subject Matter Specialists (SMEs), whilst being created in-house by Blue Stream Academy’s leading team of content and module developers.
Dental eLearning platform modules:
- Adult Basic Life Support Level 2
- An Introduction to Personal Development Planning (PDP) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
- Automated External Defibrillators (AED)
- Basic Life Support Level 1
- Bullying and Harassment
- Challenging Behaviour
- Complaints
- Consent
- Decontamination of Dental Instruments
- Dental Erosion and Tooth Wear
- Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
- Domestic Abuse Level 1
- Drug and Alcohol Awareness
- Electrical Safety
- Equality and Diversity
- Fire Safety
- First Aid
- Hand Hygiene
- Infection Prevention and Control Tier 2
- Information Governance
- Legal and Ethical Issues 1: An Overview of Legal and Ethical Frameworks
- Legal and Ethical Issues 2: An Overview of Patient Care
- Legal and Ethical Issues 3: Safe Practice, Being Open and Complaints
- Legal and Ethical Issues 4: An Overview of Professional Responsibilities
- Medical Emergencies in Dentistry
- Mental Capacity Act
- Oral Cancer: Understanding Oral Cancer, the Risk Factors and Symptoms
- Paediatric Basic Life Support Level 2
- Radiography 1: Introduction to Radiography
- Radiography 2: Radiation Safety
- Radiography 3: Dental Radiography Equipment
- Radiography 4: Radiography Regulations and Special Considerations
- Radiography 5: Quality Assurance
- Safeguarding Adults Level 1
- Safeguarding Adults Level 2
- Safeguarding Children Level 1
- Safeguarding Children Level 2
- Sepsis
- Sepsis Awareness
- Waste Management
- What to Expect During a CQC Inspection
Want to find out more?
Click here to request further information on the Dental eLearning and Management platform.