12/01/2024 10:46:52

National Obesity Awareness Week | Healthcare Guidance

Blue Stream Academy

Our Contribution to National Obesity Awareness Week

As an advocate of health and wellness and our brand commitment to the importance of eLearning; Blue Stream Academy wholeheartedly supports National Obesity Awareness Week. A crucial initiative dedicated to raising awareness of the health repercussions of excess weight and encouraging preventive measures against obesity. This article delves into the significance of National Obesity Awareness Week, an overview of obesity, its adverse effects, underlying causes, and key statistics.

National Obesity Awareness Week

National Obesity Awareness Week stands as a significant annual event with the purpose of educating the public on the obesity epidemic. The initiative seeks to achieve this by promoting a collective effort to spread essential information addressing obesity, associated health risks, and preventative and remedial solutions. Through this process of building awareness, the initiative empowers individuals to start today by making informed choices concerning their diet and physical activity, creating a healthier and happier tomorrow.

What is Obesity?

Obesity is a medical condition categorised by the accumulation of excess body fat, leading to adverse effects on health. It is commonly measured using the Body Mass Index (BMI), which considers a person's weight in relation to their height. When an individual's BMI exceeds a certain threshold, they are classified as overweight or obese.

Consequences of Obesity
Obesity is associated with numerous negative health conditions:
  • high blood pressure and high cholesterol which are risk factors for heart disease
  • type 2 diabetes
  • breathing problems, such as asthma and sleep apnoea
  • joint problems, for example, osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal discomfort
  • gallstones and gallbladder disease
  • mental health problems, for instance, low self-esteem and body image which contribute to conditions like depression and anxiety.

What Can Cause Obesity?

Obesity is influenced by numerous interacting factors, making it challenging to identify the exact problem. Therefore, it can often require professional guidance. Successful obesity prevention or treatment involves addressing these factors and implementing a range of preventative or remedial solutions.

Internal Factors Contributing to Obesity
  • Genetics: The genetic information inherited from family members can influence how the body stores and processes fat. A household history of obesity increases the likelihood of obesity due to inherited genetic factors.
  • Inactive Lifestyle: Insufficient physical activity or movement can contribute to weight gain, such as periods of sitting at a desk or in front of a screen without regular exercise.
  • Poor Dietary Habits: Unhealthy eating patterns, for instance consuming high amounts of processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive calories, can contribute to weight gain.
  • Stress: Stress prompts the release of hormones like cortisol, leading to increased appetite, a preference for high-calorie foods, and the accumulation of visceral fat which can contribute to obesity.

External Factors Contributing to Obesity
  • Stress: Stress can develop from factors like work pressures or relationship challenges and can disrupt eating patterns, promote unhealthy dietary choices and affect lifestyle behaviours, for example it can reduce physical activity and disrupt sleep, which further contributes to obesity.
  • Environmental: The surroundings where people live, work, and spend time can influence eating habits. If the community lacks easy access to fresh and healthy food options, it may cause individuals to eat more processed and unhealthy foods.
  • Socio-economic: Financial situations and social environment can impact people’s ability to access healthy food and engage in physical activities. People with lower incomes may find it challenging to afford fresh fruits and vegetables or access recreational facilities for exercise.

Statistics on Obesity in the UK

Current Rates of Obesity
Obesity has reached alarming levels in the UK. Accurate statistics highlight the urgency of addressing this public health crisis.
  • According to the most recent NHS health survey in England, 25.9% of adults are obese and a further 37.9% are overweight but not obese.

How Have Rates Changed Throughout the Years
Obesity rates in England have risen dramatically throughout the years and experts have predicted that obesity rates will continue to rise without serious intervention.
  • In 1993, 52.9% of people were obese or overweight, obesity accounted for 14.9% of this figure. Indicating there has been an 11% increase in obesity rates in the past 30 years.
  • One analysis predicts that by 2040 the percentage of UK adults who are classed as overweight or obese will be 71%. That’s roughly 7 in every 10 people.

Who is at Most Risk?
Certain demographic groups are more susceptible to obesity as mentioned briefly above, including individuals with limited access to nutritious foods, communities with fewer opportunities for physical activity and people with less education. The following report further emphasises this trend and highlights the influence of socio-economic, environmental, and educational disparities in the ongoing obesity epidemic.

Click to View 'House of Commons Library: Obesity in England' Report

Strategies Towards Obesity

Preventative Methods of Obesity:
  • Choose Healthier Foods: Maintaining a balanced diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and good quality protein sources helps contribute to overall wellbeing. This nutritional approach is typically lower in calories and supports essential bodily functions, boosts energy levels, and helps in maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Limit Unhealthy Foods: Make conscious choices to limit the consumption of high calorie refined grains, sweets, fried foods, sugary drinks, and processed meats. Reducing the intake of these items can help weight management, improve cardiovascular health, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Increase Physical Activity: Incorporating regular exercise, including both aerobic and strength training exercises, plays a fundamental role in weight maintenance. Physical activity not only burns calories but also enhances metabolism, builds muscle, and supports overall cardiovascular health.
  • Reduce ‘Sit Time’: Implementing short bursts of activity to offset long periods of sitting has numerous benefits. This practice helps improve circulation, prevent muscle stiffness, and contribute to weight management. Alternatives like standing desks or brief walks can positively impact overall health.
  • Improve Sleep: Incorporating consistent, quality sleep is essential for various aspects of health. It assists in metabolism regulation, supports cognitive function, and enhances overall wellbeing. Addressing underlying sleep disorders ensures better rest, promoting optimal health.
  • Reduce Stress: Incorporating stress-reducing practices such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises contributes to mental and physical wellbeing. Managing stress levels positively impacts hormonal balance, supports immune function, and reduces the likelihood of emotional eating or unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Remedial Methods of Obesity:
In cases where obesity is already present, seeking professional guidance is critical A doctor will be able to suggest safe and sustainable ways to lose weight, avoiding crash diets and rapid weight loss methods that can be detrimental to health.

Advantages of Being a Healthy Weight:
  • Reduced Organ Disease Risk: A healthy weight not only reduces the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers, but also actively contributes to the overall wellbeing, of individuals. By maintaining an optimal weight, the body is better equipped to fight off potential debilitating conditions.
  • Increased Energy: Maintaining a healthy weight promotes increased energy levels enabling individuals to engage in a more fulfilling lifestyle.
  • Improved Mental Wellbeing: Keeping a healthy weight goes beyond physical wellbeing; it also improves mood and lowers the risk of mental health problems. A healthy body forms the basis for a strong and balanced mental state, promoting overall wellness and happiness.

How Can Everyone Help?

National Obesity Awareness Week is an opportunity for individuals, communities, and organisations to come together to address this pressing topic. Here are ways everyone can contribute:
  • Healthy Living: Engage in physical activities like walking, exercise routines or sports and choose nutritious meals; limiting processed foods and sugary drinks.
  • Spread Awareness: Share information about National Obesity Awareness Week on social media, in discussions and in person.
  • Educate Others: Organisations can host educational events in communities, schools, and workplaces and share resources that promote healthy living.
  • Support Initiatives: Participate or volunteer in local events or attend workshops and webinars organised for National Obesity Awareness Week.
  • Encourage Healthy Habits: Spread awareness in your community and workplace and encourage friends and family to adopt healthy lifestyles.

Final Remarks

National Obesity Awareness Week is a vital initiative that calls for collective action to reduce the obesity epidemic. By understanding the negative impacts of obesity, addressing its root causes, and implementing preventative and remedial measures, we can work towards building healthier and happier communities. Let us take this opportunity to prioritise our wellbeing, support one another, and make lasting changes that benefit us all.

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