16/01/2024 12:16:01

CQC Health Check | GP Management & Compliance

Blue Stream Academy

GP CQC Health Check system - Out Now!

Start the year organised with Blue Stream Academy's new CQC Health Check system, out now on the GP eLearning and Management platform.

How does it work?

Fully integrated within the Blue Stream platform, the new CQC Health Check system provides a step-by-step guide to preparing your data and documentation for a CQC inspection. Let us break down the preparation process and start your year with a clear plan using our personalised task schedule and daily to-do lists.

What setup is involved?

It couldn't be easier!
  1. Activate the CQC Health Check system*.
  2. Add in your room and assets.
  3. Configure your task and schedule settings.
  4. Start preparing! Let our automated task schedule and to-do lists guide you through the preparation process.

Progressive evolution

At Blue Stream Academy, we acknowledge the challenges of gearing up for a CQC inspection, and we recognise the overwhelming nature of this task. To alleviate some of the stress associated with preparation, we are introducing the CQC Health Check features in bi-weekly phases. This approach ensures a step-by-step setup process, fostering a gradual and stress-free experience.
Blue Stream Academy

Did you know that Blue Stream Academy offers more than just eLearning?

With over a decade of dedicated development, our market-leading GP eLearning and Management platform is the ideal foundation to create a customised package tailored to your organisation's unique needs.

How can I customise my Blue Stream package?

Upgrade your organisation's efficiency this January with Blue Stream Academy's fully integrated HR system, or the brand new CQC Health Check system.

The Blue People HR system

  • Create and share staff rotas.
  • Upload and store a range of HR documentation and employee data.
  • Create staff absence and holiday request records.
  • Allocate shift responsibilities.

Want to find out more?

Click here to contact Natalie, our Business Accounts Manager, for more information, a quote or a demo on the new CQC Health Check system.

Press here for a Free Trial